Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I usually don't try to have any influence either way, with most companies, in my blogs. Put, in the case of Cell phones, that's hard to avoid.

I will write here what I do know, have read (and seems legit) and what I have from people I know and trust.

I'll start with TracFone, since that's what I and my 11 year old owns.

For overall performance and CS, this company is almost hard to beat.

I like NOT getting those monthly bills, and how high they can go. Like my money, our TracFone airtime units, are budgeted.

I have never had reception problems. Anywhere I have been I've received and dialed calls. They never broke up or got dropped. Even in Disney World, regardless of the park, building or resturant we were in, the calls came straight through.

When I turn it on (which is rare, because I hardly ever turn it off), it's ready to go. Now, here where it's a bit different for my son's phone. His can take several minutes to "search" to be able to use. Which could really stink in an extreme emergency.

Battery life seems to be good with both phones.

I also don't like the fact, that when you do need to call Tracfone for problems with their services, you are charged airtime units. To me, this shouldn't use ANY units. You should be able to call any legit company, on their dime (with some exceptions). I NEVER have been on a call with them for under 7 minutes, meaning I'm using 7 units. May not seem like much, but I normally need to talk to them when I am having an issue with ADDING AIRTIME (Meaning-I'm pretty low on units as it is, or I wouldn't be trying to add them.)

I usually try to add my Airtime units over the web, after searching for promotion codes on the web. **Which by the way they are catching on to using the same promo code over and over again. I had read this and tried it yesterday myself. Sure enough, it said my phone serial number already used this number.**

My last unit loading experience (not yesterday but at the end of March) was my first bad taste with this company. I wasn't given all my units, used my son's minutes trying to resolve it, still nothing. Many emails back and forth with them . It took them ONE MONTH (no lie) to get my original units, plus the few extra I asked for because of the time and frustration.

So, yes I would recommend them to most people, who just need something simple, or a budget phone for their kids, etc. Just if you have issue with loading units, be prepared to probably use the units you have left, just getting it resolved.

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